kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for
your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were
before you.''
"Where are the young men and women of this generation who will hold their lives cheap (Rev 12v11), and be faithful even unto death?Howard Guinness, Sacrifice, (IVP)
Where are those who will lose their lives for Christ’s sake – flinging them away for love of Him?
Where are those who will live dangerously, and be reckless in His service (Acts15v26)?
Where are his lovers – those who love Him and the souls of men more than their own reputations or comfort, or very life?
Where are the men who say “no” to self, who take up Christ’s cross to bear it after Him who are willing to be nailed to it in college or office, home or mission field; who are willing, if need be, to bleed, to suffer, and to die on it?
Where are the men and women of vision today?
Where are the men of enduring vision?
Where are the men and women who have seen the King in His beauty, by whom from henceforth all else is counted but refuse that they may win Christ?
Where are the adventurers, the explorers, the buccaneers for God who count one human soul of far greater value than the rise or fall of an empire?
Where are the men who glory in God-sent loneliness, difficulties, persecutions, misunderstandings, discipline, sacrifice, death?
Where are the men and women who are willing to pay the price of vision?
Where are the men and women of prayer?
Where are the men and women who, like the Psalmist of old, count God’s Word of more importance to them than their daily food?
Where are the men and women who, like Moses of old, commune with God face to face as a man speaks with his friend, and unmistakably bear with them the fragrance of the meeting through the day?
Where are God’s men and women in this day of God’s power?"
Carson went through 1 John in the morning Bible readings. These were very good. He really showed us the passion of John when writing against the Gnostic's. The epistle opens with John's affirmation of the humanity of Jesus. It's powerful to ponder over the greatness of our God being 'contracted to a span' all for us. That we might have life, and as John says that our 'joy may be complete'!
Carson is cool. I like his preaching style. It's down to earth but yet powerful and proclamational. As Carson was preaching I was reminded of the power of true doctrine saturated with love. John is writing against rampant heresy but he focuses so much on the love of God. He challenges us to love one another to a greater extent than we can imagine!
More to follow...
Good isn't it? They're called 'The Repercussion'. My friend Bruce is the singer. Her real name is Becky Rewse!
This is the blurb from their site:
The 4 piece band were formed in early 2004 in Dorset. Their sound is the result of a 'fusion' of various genres from Rock to laid back indie with some other bits in there as well to suit everyones tastes. 2007 has been a big year for this band so far, they are already getting many bookings from all around the country for 2008 and have just completed an Autumn Tour in September due to the success of 'Rushing Away' which was released in December 06.
Take a look at their website and youtube channel.
New Word Alive is just around the corner. I wish I could say that about the geographical location of the event.
I actually cannot wait. Most of my Christian friends are going. Jesus well be there that's the best bit about it. As an added bonus my mates DC, JP and TV will also be preaching God willing. For anyone who isn't familiar with the code of Sussex CU I'm talking about Don Carson (preaching on 1 John), John Piper, and Terry Virgo. What a line up! I've been commissioned by HB to make up a joke featuring the three. My thinking cap is on. I've got till Monday should be enough time.
Here's ten other things I'm looking forward to concerning NWA:
1) Inevitable banter with the CU boys
2) Discussing of Romans 9 with Povey
3) Someone recording what I say when I'm asleep
4) Visiting Wales and trying to pronounce 'Pwllheli'. Then being corrected by John Price.
5) Meeting up with friends who don't live in Brighton
6) Playing Pit with Sarah
7) Being an Anglican for 5 days...(I'm going with BH)
8) Trying to get into the promotional video for NWA 09. HB and others got in the one for this year
9) Finding the answer to the question: 'I wonder if DC will preach on the part of 1 John 5v7 that doesn't appear in some modern manuscripts?'.
10) Knowing that Jesus promises to be with His followers and bless us even though we don't deserve it.
Will blog on the event on return...
Nice isn't it? I'm a firm believer in the doctrines of grace. Sometimes the TULIP is known as 'Calvinism'. This makes me a little annoyed. Mainly because I don't believe that Calvin (even though he was a good Bible teacher) should get the credit for what is clearly taught in scripture. As a result of Calvin being so closely linked with 'Calvinism' people think that he was a guy who ranted on about election and the sovereignty of God all the time. Mike Reeves states (in a series of mp3's on Calvin's book 'The Institutes of Christian Religion') that there is very little in the institutes on election. Instead Calvin's main purpose of writing the book was to attack the heresy of the Catholic Church. MP3's available here. They're very good. Well worth a listen.
As you can see the diagram shows that all of the doctrines point to God's love and glory. With this said some people are angry Calvinists. Boo to them. They make Calvinism their all in all. Calvinism isn't Jesus, we can't worship it! We have to enjoy doctrine but not make it our God. We must fight for truth but not at the expense of love. We fight for truth with love as the primary motivation-love for God and people.
It's easy to let doctrine make us proud (1 Cor 8v1) that's why we need humble orthodoxy. A dedication to guarding, preserving, and fighting for clear objective truth. And a humility that constantly explains the message as people who are rescued not just 'right'...
...I got that last line from Josh Harris. It's not my own!